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Firstly, I know I have been terrible this last week and not blogged once, but I have a few interesting posts lined up for this week so stay tuned. I have been swamped with uni work and have three (yes three!!!) essays due in. How unfair is that? The realities of second year have well and truly hit me! Anyway, as the title suggests, I have apparently turned into Thelma from Scoobydoo...I've been told this three times today so I think I'll just have to accept that I will never be Daphne. 

I decided to take a day off from essay writing (which I should still be doing now) and do a bit of well deserved retail therapy. I had been quite good with money until now and went a bit crazy. You'll have to wait and see in future posts what I bought though, because I'm mean like that. So yes, I was a little bit naughty with spending this week (sorry mum) and here is the first outfit I bought.

Again, where is this Mod vibe coming from?! I think I must have lived in the 60's in a previous life because its coming out of me from nowhere! I have to blame River Island for this combination as If they hadn't been displayed next to each other, I would NEVER have thought it would work. I'm still not 100% that this does go together but It's definitely growing on me.

POLONECK: River Island
SKIRT: River Island
BOOTS: Primark
NAILS: Topshop, Awol

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    Bit of a weirdo trying to make it in the fashion world.


    October 2013



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