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Okay so as you've probably realised, I am a really terrible student, I just never go out. Clubbing that is, I'm not that socially inept. As my housemates get ready to paint the town red, I just want to stay home with my electric blanket. Hearing the music booming from downstairs however seems to get me in the party mood. Instead of actually going out and facing the blistering cold, I have found a much better solution. The next best thing is to just get dressed up with them (which gives me the opportunity to have an oh so loved rifle through their clothes).

You could call this a bit of a cheat post as technically I'm not leaving the house and will be back in my pyjamas in no time (such a saddo!) but I will most definitely be wearing this outfit sometime in the near future. Courtesy of Lauren for lending me this dress; I say she lent it to me but it was more that she didn't object to me dragging it out of her wardrobe. What are friends for eh?
So they've al left now and I'm sitting here all dolled up eating a crumpet and blogging. Oh the glamorous life of a student.

CLUTCH: Topshop

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    Bit of a weirdo trying to make it in the fashion world.


    October 2013



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