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For the most of us, 'Primarni' is the nearest we'll ever get to real Marni. But that shouldn't stop us from looking like we're drowning in designer gear because lets face it, whether its one designer piece or one hundred high street garments, we'll still blow our entire student loan on clothes. Well I do anyway.

Coming to terms with the fact that even Topshop was out of my price range this month was not an easy hurdle I can tell you. It was when I found myself in near tears lusting over a £200 fur coat that I had been holding for the last half an hour that I told myself to get a grip. It was a coat, not the end of the world. So off to Primark I ran. 

Something happens to your brain when you enter the cattle market that is Primark; all thought of ever spending £200 on something vanishes and anything exceeding £5 seems extortionate!


For a person that gets flustered easily, Primark's hectic, sweaty jumble sale set up does not exude the same amount of ease that Topshop's personal shopping experience does, thus, I cannot stay in there more than half an hour. 

The two items I bought are not what I would call traditionally 'Primark'. The pony skin effect leopard heels are part of their Limited Edition range and would not look out of place in any of the top high street shops or high end brands for that matter! I have yet to wear them but they haven't fallen apart yet so so far so good!

Typical Primark sizings meant that the smallest remaining size jacket was a 14 when I am usually an 8-10. Surprising, the fit is fits okay so if you're looking to buy this, don't be put off by the sizings. I like the slightly oversized look of this jacket as the material is thin enough to not make you look like the incredible hulk! Very similar to those at Motel Rocks.


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    Bit of a weirdo trying to make it in the fashion world.


    October 2013



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