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Studying in Manchester I have come to realise that the student breed have created their own style sub culture. You'd think there would be more to life than beanie hats and creepers right? Well, apparently not. There's one thing to be living off beans and another to look like you are. Now don't get me wrong; I am under no illusion that students aren't scrounging, penny pinching freaks because we are! But waltzing into Zara is just not an option even if it takes every ounce of self control to tear yourself away from THAT coat that is calling (more like screaming) your name. 

As much as I despise the 'student' look, it seems inevitable that as some stage in your degree you will ignore you inner fashionista and decide that your Grandad's moth-eaten sweater really is the best wardrobe decision. Just call it vintage and even I could give it a go. 

In short, the days of the Oxford shirt and brogues are well and truly a thing of the past but hey, people seem to like that. 

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    Bit of a weirdo trying to make it in the fashion world.


    October 2013



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